Friday, October 24, 2014

David Evseeff's book on Isshinryu Karate lists Isshinryu Karate-Do Formal Upper Body Techniques

I always thought this technique listing was interesting.

David Evseeff's book on Isshinryu Karate lists "Isshinryu Karate-Do Formal Upper Body   Ippon Kumite Techinques", but doesn't credit the source.

Listing from David's book.

1. Inside Block, reverse punch (solar plexus)
2. Inside Block, reverse uppercut.
3. Inside block, reverse punch
4. Outside block, reverse punch
5. Outside block, reverse twist punch (head)
6. Open-hand upper block, nukite strike (throat/eyes)
7. Inside reverse forearm block and grab, inside spin, elbow strike
(solar plexus)
8. Outside reverse forearm block and grab, outside spin, elbow
strike (kidney)
9. Step into attack (horse stance), lunge punch
10. Inside block, "Chinto pivot", reverse haito (throat)
11. Outside cross-body block, "Chinto pivot", reverse haito (throat)
12. Outside shotei block, step into opponent, reverse multiple haito
strikes (groin)
13. Inside haito block and pull, reverse punch (solar plexus)
14. Haito cross-body block and pull, reverse twist punch
(neck/mastoid process)
15. Step into attack, outside upper forearm block, reverse punch
16. Step into attack, inside upper forearm block, reiken strike
17. "Kusanku sidestep" avoidance, "Chinto pivot", reverse punch (head)
18. Inside reinforced block, reverse reiken (head)
19. Outside reinforced block, upper cut (head)
20. Outside cross-body haito block, pull away, escape.
21. Outside reverse cross-body shotei block, reverse grab, reverse tettsui (throat)

22. Outside cross-body shotei block, reverse grab, lunge reiken (head)

23. Outside cross-body shotei block, reverse grab, elbow strike (head/throat)

24. Inside block, step in, post head, eye gouge

25. Drop to knee, reverse punch (groin)

26. Cross-body shotei block, reverse punch (head)

27. Rising head block, reverse punch (solar plexus)

28. Rising head block, lung reiken (face/throat)

29. Shotei cross-body block (stepping into a horse stance), double hook punch

30. Inverted outside forearm block, reiken strike (face/throat)

31. Inverted inside forearm block, reiken strike (forearm/head)

32. Outside Shotai block, “Chinto pivot”, haito strike (head/throat)

33. Hip reinforced empi block, reiken strike.

34. High kiai, lunge punch (head)

35. Double inside rising haito block, double eye gouge.

36. Double inside rising block, double hand head grab, head strike.

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