Wednesday, October 8, 2014

When Joe Swift was the Uke

Joe-san Swift is my earliest friend on the internet. Years ago he even visited Derry one day. I’ve had this article on Koju-Ryu from a Japanese magazine from about 2003.  The author was Mizuguchi Rakuya, editor in chief of the Karate-do Monthly magazine, and features Hayashi Shingo Sensei, the last known teacher of Kojo-ryu..

While I do not have a translation of the article. The photos clearly show Joe-san taking the beating. And there is a relationship to Isshinryu useage. Not that Isshinryu has any kinship to the rare Koju system.

This is shared with Joe Swift’s permission. Joe  was originally an Isshinryu black belt and over years studied Mushikan in Kanazawa ,besides his profession in Weather Casting he is currently the head instructor of the Tokyo Mushikan  and has trained with many instructors in Okinawa and Japan. He has made frequent appearances on Japanese television, and a participant in several Japanese magazine articles. He has friends around the world frequently sharing articles and translations, has been a frequent contributor to FightingArts.con and many other places. He has also translated works for many Japanese and Okinawan authors.  


A true Renissance Man through his interests.

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