Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Budo - Morihei Ueshiba

In 1938  Morihei Ueshiba published “Budo” a book about his art Aikido.


In 1991 it was translated into English with additional material, naimly an introduction by his son Kisshoanaru and photographs from the Noma Dojo from the period Budo was published.


Ueshiba Sensei studied a variety of different arts which all influenced his emerging Aikido.


His skill remained constant. Early photos and movies of his art, remained the same skill demonstrated when he was much older.


Apparently the difference was not the technique, but roughly the Aikido taught prior to WWII was more martial focused. The Aikido taught after WWII was more focused on the technique and less on the martial side of the art.


Or so I have gathered from my studies.  At the same time with so many instructors around the world there is no way to completely explain how each dojo shares their art.


I am not an Aikido-ka, but in the course of my studies I did study an aikido that was focused for Indonesian karate students, and from those studies much about aikido makes some sense to me.

No doubt that was complemented by my studies in Tai Chi Chaun too.


What I have done is select some photos on the internet which match those in the reprint version of Budo, to all you to see what this art was like in 1938.


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