Monday, October 29, 2018

Yet another example of extreme technique analysis

This came to me in my sleep, for I never stop thinking of new ways to use what I know.

Something I have never used, but I would invite a student to step in and punch me

to demonstrate what can occur.


There are so many layers possible how to use a movement,

They are never fully exhausted.


This movement comes from the second row of my Isshinryu Seisan kata.

But attempting to describe this, I break sections of the movement into different pieces,

Yet that is for descriptive purposes, not exactly what is happening.


The attack is either a left foot stepping forward grab jab or punch,

Or perhaps a left foot stepping forward left grab.

So something is moving towards you.



1.  Originally standing Right Foot Forward,

Your right palm parries across your body to lightly deflect the incoming strike.

1.a. As you parry your right hip rolls toward the parry

Becoming a force enhancer to fully engage both sides of the body behind the parry.




2. Your left foot steps forward as you begin your crescent step.

2.a. This moves your center off center of where the incoming attack is focused.

2.b. Your hip rolls to the left as you are stepping.



3. Your left foot concludes the forward crescent step.

You step and finish heel down, first, then the toes of the foot.

The stepping motion is behind the forward leg of the attacker,

Calf to calf., which in turn becomes a bump against their leg.

3.a As you step your hip rolls to the left. Becoming a force enhancer to the step

Which has become a destabilizing factor to their approaching step.



4. While stepping the left hand swoops up becoming an open hand (palm up) outside parry against their incoming arm.

4a. Again, the hip rolling to the left, while a force enhance to the leg placement,

also becomes a force enhancer to that parry.

The totality of the hip roll brings the force of the entire body into play.

with both happening at the same time.

4.b. Along with this motion the right hand swoops down at the same time

into what appears to be a right descending knife hand block.

This motion increases the force of the left parry.



5, Immediately upon finishing the left back of hand parry,

You turn that hand over and drive the thumb into their carotid artery.

1.a. And as that occurs you also roll your hip back to the right,

Again using that motion as another force enhancer for your strike.


Then there are many possible conclusions.


I am just going to suggest one.

As that strike occurs your left calf additionally bumps their lead right calf.

That bump further destabilizing their body,

Making a fall more possible.


Any strike into the carotid sinus can possibly stop the heart of the attacker.

For the bodies sinus cavities are designed to register a sudden increase of blood pressure.

Then the heart stops beating as a way to drop the blood pressure into safety.


But that is when a strike such as this is done in a more perfect, stable world,

Considering they are moving in on you

And you are moving, at the same time, in on them,

The effect of such a strike is more likely to become a destabilizing force,

Making them a more stable body to work against,

because of that pain.


Remember all this occurs by utilizing one motion from Seisan kata.



All of the photos shown here are of

Charles Murray when he was practicing Seisan kata,

Outside on Okinawa.


They are not exactly what I have been describing,

But as most of my students Seisan kata are done head on,

they do not show what I want either.


I do believe these photos

Do give a glimpse of what I mean.

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