Friday, November 2, 2018

The time Tom Lewis attended a clinic with Sherman Harrill

The Photo taken at the end of the clinic in question.
Tom Lewis and Sherman Harrill are reclining on the floor.
I am crouching behind Tom and a group of my students are behind me.
 Chester Houlbecki is crouching down in the center of the photo.
Garry Gerossie is the center of the photo.
Some of the other attendees including students of Chester and Garry are the remaining individuals..
This was taken at the very end of the clinic, and many who attended had to leave before this.
The clinics I helped host were mainly attended by black belts at my suggestion.
The rest of the story, for there is a story behind this photo.


Garry Gerossie and I hosted annual clinic with Sherman Harrill for the better part of a decade. To say they were wonderful experiences to understand what Sherman was doing with the Isshinryu system.


Garry, Sherman’s student, would host Sherman for the weekend. Spending time with him, traveling New Hamshire, fishing, etc. in addition to the weekend. I provided the Derry Boys and Girls Club facility for the clinic, and of course the support financial of my students. Then we had individuals from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire that would attend.


This time in 1998, was special for me. My instructor, Tom Lewis, came out from Wyoming to attend. He and Sherman began together in 1959 in Agena, while they were serving in the USMC. Of course they were different units and covered different tours of duty. When they returned home they followed different paths with their Isshinryu.


Tom returned to the States later than Sherman, and he brought back Silks for Sherman that Master Shimabuku had made for him. While I had seen Sensei’s silks every class in Salisbury since I began, I knew nothing about that until first I met Sherman several years before.


Tom and Sherman had not gotten together before this weekend. Tom came out to spend the weekend with Sherman.


Friday, Tom flew in to Manchester and I brought him to my house. Saturday was the day of Sherman’s clinic.  The theme for that clinic was Wansu but of course much more was covered.  One memory I remember Sherman describing for me an entire clinic he just held on Sanchin kata applications. He could always make me wish to see more.


After the clinic I hosted a meal for Tom and Sherman at my house. It was fascinating to hear them discussing their Agena days in detail. After that Tom went off with Sherman and Garry for the weekend.


I did not go with them, wishing Tom and Sherman to have time together. From what I understand they had a great time.


That Sunday evening Garry hosted a dinner for them and my wife and I were invited. I had gotten this photo and others developed and gave them copies.


The next morning I took Tom to the Manchester Airport for his return flight.



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