Friday, December 28, 2018

Bushi No Te – The Subsidiary Drills – the Keri Wazza

Again introduced at blue belt, these kicking defenses against a standard attack were building specific skills.


For the first 4 drills, the attack is parried as you step back to allow more time for a kick. Then the kicks move in a progression upward, more for skill building. The fifth defense involves stepping outside the attack with your left foot and then kicking into their knee from the side (for practice we kicked behind the knee stepping forward).


Defense 1 using the top of the foot to kick up to the groin

Defense 2 using the ball of the foot to kick into the groin

Defense 3 using the squat kick into the ribs

Defense 4 using the roundhouse ball of the foot to kick into the side of the head

Defense 5  stepping to the outside kick their knee with the right side kick

Defense 6 using a Chinese sliding parry block to redirect their strike, then slide into                    them  to deliver a ridgehand strike with the thumb into their solar plexus.                      having   used  that strike to slide forward then adjust further forward while                    outside their attack and finish with a left stomp to their rear leg (in actuality                  to the knee, but in practice down towards their calf.

Blue Belt Wazza



Again more for skill building on basic kick execution, then on a series of right/left brain hemisphere drills with kicking.


The Chinese style sliding parry is also something being introduced.

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