Tuesday, December 18, 2018

My initial discoveries when I began to investigate kata application.

The later years of the 1980s I really began to work on many things, among them what kata application could mean.


I also moved into a new age where we had a video camera at the Club to preserve some of our efforts. So we can see a bit of what we were working on with the youth and adult students of that time too, I was a busy boy.


Shodan training  lower body  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkoAfSTH22g


After Bushi No Te Summer Camp 1990 – Tris clinic bo and aikido


Mike and Andrew Self Defense  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxupUX2zv04


1990 standard            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4ocmaD67mM

1990 Nihanchi            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2O8NoAdHkE

1990 Chinto               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCqHp8THVNI

1990 Kusanku           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbFbnUBePTo

1990 Sunsu                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUVjUsaHbGE

Urashie No Bo           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DinRBnAD64


Aikido locking chain 

            Mike               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ve2IWzT7ktc

            Young             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zdz-LSmRbWs



This is much of what I was teaching then, but my personal focus was really all on what kata application could be. And of course I was  working on several tracks at the same time.


While I knew something about the Sutrisno approach to bunkai, and was reading what was written, even attending a George Dillman seminar in Manchester NH. I had no guidelines, rules to follow. I was not going to attempt to recreate the Sutrisno model. While I learned much from him, I really was not trained in it extensively. And for me there were literally no rules but what I choose to do.


I had done study on what a minimalist system could be, even to the extent that any one technique in and of itself (and any technique) could be a complete system in itself. Not to eliminate Isshinryu, but to gain more understanding about what an application for any technique might me. Below is a post I made on a bit of that potential.

One of the things I began to work on

Opening of Seisan Kata


In turn that study led to other things.


A Step Out of the Past

Random notes on Seisan-ness

The fluid movement of kata


After the work I had previously done on Kusanku as night fighting applications I turned much of my attention to Seisan kata. Part of what I saw I videoed at base instruction level.

Not what moving toward more advanced execution That would prove to be a later subject to consider. But, one has to start somewhere and this was where I started.


Seisan Applications 1990


My researches were just that research. I was not at the point I was ready to introduce this as a study in my program. I had no intention that this would ever be kyu study, O’ they might see any of this from time to time, so they could understand what they were studying had a direction. But not a necessary part of what kyu training was about. The earlier videos are much of what the kyu program was about in its own right.


Of course my studies incorporated other kata study too. More focused on individual technique of those forms.


And of course work and family came first. Then teaching everyone. Last my research and as you can gather it was cooking on many levels.

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