Saturday, December 1, 2018

The most important lessons from training in other styles with other instructors.


1. No matter how long you train with them and get a form for example.

    That is never the equivalent of really being their student.

    You can get a good approximation and then work the heck out of it till you develop skill.

     But it cannot be the same as being a student either.

     Never assume that you were a student. Be satisfied that you gained something.

2. You have the good fortune to become a beginner again. More so if the training offered is vastly different from what you study. Experience anew having to not have skill in what you are being shown. Becoming a beginner again allows you to feel what the beginning experience is all about. In turn that can be used to better understand what your own beginners are experiencing.

   Grasp that experience. It is most special

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