Friday, February 22, 2019

Charles on the Charts 02-11-2004

Original Upper Body Combinations

  1. RFF Right Punch
  2. RFF Right Uppercut
  3. LFF Right Punch
  4. LFF Right Uppercut
  5. RFB Left Low Block, Right Punch
  6. RFB Left Side Block, Right Punch
  7. RFB Left Arm Block, Right Spear
  8. RFB Left High Block, Right Punch
  9. RFB Left Open Hand Block, Right Uppercut
  10. RFB Left Bridge Strike (Nose), Right Punch
  11. LFF Left Low Block 5 Punches
  12. LFF Left Side Block 5 Punches
  13. LFF Right Roundhouse Punch, Left (Same)
  14. LFF Left Open Low Block, Right Shuto
  15. Break Bear Hug

Original Lower Body Combinations

  1. Front Snap Kick
  2. Knee Strike (45degrees)
  3. Front Kick (Side)
  4. Cross Kick
  5. Side Snap Kick
  6. Heel Strike (Knee)
  7. Knee Strike
  8. Rear Kick
  9. Side Kick (45 degrees rear)
  10. Squat Kick
  11. Side Kick (on  Floor)
  12. Front Thrust (from floor)
  13. Double Jump Kick
  14. Roundhouse Kick
  15. Side Kick (Rear 45 degrees), Rear Kick

When I began class I was shown how to perform the movements of Chart 1 (Upper Body) and Chart 2 (Lower Body) which were hanging on the wall of the Salisbury Dojo. Only occasionally would we cover them during the pre-class workup. But us white belts used to get to class early and work on them very hard.

Years later at a black belt meeting Lewis Sensei covered a different version of the Upper Body chart he had developed for better training for the new students. As on the original Chart 1 we would move forward, backward as indicated to execute those techniques. The new version (for beginners) always had the techniques executed moving forwards. Easier for them to always move the same way, was the idea.

I just followed what Sensei suggested, and in time taught the original version of Chart 1 too, when the students were beginners no longer.

Time passed and I began thinking what Charles had experienced when he was on Okinawa. That was something we never discussed. So I wrote him in 2004 and asked him about it…… this was his response.


Every formal class I went to started by doing the charts. And we did them for a long time—seemed like hours – but probably a half hour.
Charles H. Murray, Colonel USAF
Chief, Air Operations Command and Control Division
DSN:  314-480-6263

Upper Body Combinations (Tom Lewis for beginners)

            Closed Fist
  1. Upper Block – Reverse Punch
  2. Side Block – Reverse Punch
  3. Side Block – Uppercut
  4. Lower Block – Reverse Punch
  5. Cross Block – Bridge Strike – Reverse Punch

Open Hand

  1. Side Block – Shuto (Neck)
  2. Side Block – Palm Strike (Chin)
  3. Side Stance (Ribs) – Shuto (Neck)
  4. Lower Block – Shuto (Neck)
  5. Lower Block – Parry – Spearhand (Throat)
            Basic Fighting Combinations
  1. Backfist – Side Kick
  2. Backfist – Roundkick
  3. Backfist – Reverse Punch
  4. Backfist – Front kick
  5. Reverse Punch – Roundkick

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