Monday, February 25, 2019

Ryukyu Oke Hiden Bujutsu

From an Australian interview of Joe Swift a long time ago in an Australian Karate 

OVERVIEW of Technical Content of

1.      Kihon Taijutsu – Basic Empty Hand techniques


Also called Goke (hard fist), this aspect focuses upon punches and kicks. At this level, the kata Mutidi (1 & 2) and Kasshindi (3 & 4) are taught as basic conditioning of the\

Body, hand, and foot motions necessary for the advanced techniques.


2.      Buki- jutsu – Weaponry


Upon mastering the basic hard-fist techniques the student then moves onto a study of classical weaponry.

The major weapons in the system include a variety of swords, spears halberds, staves of varying lengths, wooden flails, boat oars, wooden handles, iron truncheons and others.

The secrets of Ryukyu Oke Hiden Bujutsu are said to be found in the sword, the pinnacle of which is the Uzumaki No Ken (tornado sword).


3.      Tuidi – Grasping Hand


Also called juken (soft fist). This is the pinnacle of the art, in which one is able to control an adversary without causing serious injury, by placing him in so much pain that he loses his will to attack. Often used in conjunction with the dance-like movements of Mai no Ti (dance-hand.




Related Videos
MotoTe Ichi (Sanchin)
Motode Ni
合戦手 Kasshindi
Kasshinbo - 合戦棒
It is the battle hand five that Prof. Kiyoyoshi Uehara taught.
The kick is usually done with a straight kick.

Free practice after the end of the training
Kobudo Choyu Seikichi Uehara Choki Genjyuro Takano

本部流御殿武術 合戦手五  
Motobu-style palace martial arts battle Hand V



Ryukyu Oukehiden Motobu Udund demonstration by Motobu Choko Soke and his students by during the 2017 40th all Japan Aikido Kobudo Demonstration at the Nippon Budokan.


-- Official presentation by the Kobudo association --
The Motobu Udundi is a martial art that was developed and transmitted down to the current Soke within the royal Motobu family lineage in Okinawa. Studied and taught in secret were techniques with the sword, spear, Naginata, Bo, Jo, short stick, Nunchaku, but also tools that could be used as weapons like paddles or even stones.

During the Taisho era (1912-26) this art spread rapidly and got known even outside Japan.

The techniques were not meant to fight one against one, it was the aim to beat as many opponents as possible at the same time. Therefore, one used as many weapons as possible and kept moving constantly.

-- Practitioners --
Motobu Choko Soke
Nakamiya Makoto
Shinzaki Fumiko
Suzuki Yoshie
Motobu Naoki
Toume Toshimasa
Katayama Osamu
Kato Shinichi
Nakagawa Kagefumi
Thomas Martinez
Katsunuma Yu
Toriumi Makoto
Mori Osamu
Kawata Tatsuya
Shioji Eiichi

Ryukyu Kobujutsu demonstration by during the 2017 40th all Japan Aikido Kobudo Demonstration at the Nippon Budokan.

-- Official presentation by the Kobudo association --
This Kobudo comes from the Ryukyu islands (Okinawa Prefecture) and the earliest recorded history goes back about 700 yers ago. Together with the "empty handed
techniques", that became well known and were spread as the Okinawa Karate, there was also a large catalog of weapon techniques developed. Those became later known as the Ryukyu Kobujutsu, evolving around the Bo, Sai, Tonfa, Nunchaku, Kama, Tekko , Tinbe and Surujin. To revive, preserve and also promote them, a catalog of over 40 weapons Kata has been put together and were taught by Taira Shinken (1897-1970).

-- Practionners --
Inoue Kisho (President of the Ryukyu/Okinawan Kobjutsu organization)
Ohkawa Masaharu
Okabayashi Toshio


Motobu Udundi demonstration at the Ryukyu Ninja Show

本部御殿手 合戦手五
(Motobu Udundi Mai no Te)
The secret technique that has been transmitted by one child to protect the Ryukyu Dynasty The first film that systematically introduces the martial arts of the Motobu-style palace

Окинавское Айкидо - Система Ти      
Okinavskoe Aikido-System you

Mai no Te (Dance-ti) and its bunkai 
performed by Uehara Seikichi, 
Okinawa Times Hall, March 30th, 1980.


There are many more YouTube videos on this topic.



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