Sunday, March 10, 2019

And from these roots modern Karate was born

This photo is from the time when instruction for school kids on Okinawa was new.
It was so different an idea from today.

Those who studied karate were not doing it for cool uniforms.
They weren’t doing it for belts.
They weren’t doing it to become a Black Belt.
Testing was not part of the instruction.
Their instructor did not run a karate school for a living.

They were just doing to study karate, something their parents never had a chance to do. And from their efforts a new dimension to karate study sprang forth.



Naha ,capital de Okinawa en el 1900 , hace 114 años
Naha, Okinawa Capital in 1900, 114 years ago

I saved this photo on Face book 5 years ago, and can’t source it or guarantee it’s authenticity but I feels right all the same.

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