Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Sanchin from the John Lennox Book

There are so many layers to Isshinryu ‘knowledge’ that no one discusses.

When I had to move to Arizona that meant I made many choices to what books I could keep and which one I had to leave behind. Apparently I did not keep my copy of John Lennox’s book “Isshinryu”, or if I did keep it I can’t find it now.

I believe the only place I have seen this described was in John Lennox’s book “Isshinryu”, I believe published in 1980. There was a page that had a cartoonish drawing of a man it I believe it described an order of 1 places to tighten the body for Sanchin. What I remember most was the 5th place was the anus.

Let’s leave the jokes aside.

Scans from the John Lennox book provided by Christine McNulty Saxon


Christine McNulty Saxton It does not say anywhere to tighten the anus, but in understanding the kata as I do, so far, all parts of the body hold tension. As a female, there is no pushing with the privates, just a contraction and release of the pelvic area

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