Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The question becomes how I saw use of Kata Seisan

I am probably going to bore you, but coming out of an era where no kata applications were studied, I became obsessive about what you could do with Seisan kata.

An early compilation of some of what I saw Seisan potential could be is shown in the following two videos.
Seisan Applications 1991


I went much further as time progressed. And meeting Sherman Harrill and John Kerker added other dimensions to my study.

 I attempted to catalogue some of my ideas on my blog, and the following blog entries suggest.


The Use of Kata Technique – the Opening of Seisan kata

Then as time passed I put my efforts on other Isshinryu kata, but continued to think about ways to use Seisan.

What I have come to accept is there is no simple answer as to what can be done, even with a single movement. The purpose of the study is not to pick and chose a best answer  when you need it. Rather to reach toward the understanding whatever movement you select can be inserted into any attack and end that attack.

Of course that is the goal as I see it.


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