Tuesday, April 2, 2019

An elbow striking drill remembered

I remember back when I ordered some Panther videos, they included a short on to become a trailer of their other videos. And I remember that short some of what was shown was of Higaonna Morio.

 Now this is ancient history, long before youtube was a thought.

In that trailer Hiagonna Sensei performed a brilliant empi striking exercise. One I have not seen since, But allow me to recreate it from my memory.


1.      Right Foot Forward as he delivered a right inside empi strike, then reverse the strike with a right outside empi strike on return.

2.      Right Foot Forward as he delivered a right inside empi strike, then reverse the strike with a right outside empi strike on return.

3.      Right Foot Forward as he delivered a right inside empi strike, then reverse the strike with a right outside empi strike on return. Follow with a left inside empi strike, then reverse the strike with a left outside empi strike.

4.      Right Foot Forward as he delivered a right inside empi strike, then reverse the strike with a right outside empi strike on return. Follow with a left inside empi strike, then reverse the strike with a left outside empi strike. Follow that with a right descending empi strike.

5.      Right Foot Forward as he delivered a right inside empi strike, then reverse the strike with a right outside empi strike on return.


Unfortunately my memory cannot be sure of the series, this is the best my memory can do.

This is Young Lee showing an elbow striking sequence similar to the above.



Higaonna performing a similar elbow striking sequence

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