Saturday, May 18, 2019

On retaining a bit of my former martial effectiveness.


When my disability began  the hardest thing to deal with was my loss of so much of my former martial effectiveness. I was weaker, most unstable, unable to speak clearly all of which contributed to my frustrations. I still was able to make my applications have a bit of sting at the most intimate of ranges. But so much was no longer. Stances, kicking and much striking for power.

What hit me hardest was the inability to practice my tai chi. For I could still go through my kata abet with changes. But the stances, stepping and rolling head movements from my tai chi were too much to handle. It took a year but I worked out a method to partially recover my tai chi form. I changed stances far less, swayed through some movements instead of the stepping I was taught, but what I came up with was close enough for my practice.

The overall loss of martial effectiveness with everything was a very different matter.


I began to study how sting could be regained through the use of small hand held sticks. Acquiring different ways of striking that originally taught, then work, work, work, slowly over time experimenting with my own actions.


I now have gone far enough in my study to have a degree of confidence that I have regained some martial effectiveness.  It does not address my core instability, for I must continue to be careful in how I can move.


But I have confidence in my motions I have restored more that a bit of sting.

Today I used the two sticks with the first row of the Yang tai chi form, with the first row of the Yang tai chi sword form, and as I started karate with Seisan kata, I have worked up a double short stick version of Seisan. Then Sanchin and Naifanchi too.

Not today, but in the past I have worked out to use Seiunchin,Chinto, Kusanku and Sunsu.

I am very far from what I was, but making progress as to what I can be now.

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