Thursday, June 27, 2019

Okinawan School Karate

Okinawan School Karate
 – extracted from Hokama Tetsuhiro’s “Timeline of Karate History” (translated by Joe Swift)


1901 – Itosu Anko began teaching karate at the Shuri Jinjo Elementary School


1903 – The Okinawa Prefectural Physical Education Association was founded.


1904 – Itosu Anko created the Pinan kata and revised the classical kata of Shuri-te. He also modified the old style  Naifhanchi kata.


1905 – Hanashiro Chomo began teaching karate at the first middle school.

From the beginning of the year, thanks to Itosu Anko’s efforts, karate began to

be officially taught as part of the physical education program at the Teachers’ College and the First Middle School.  The old Toudi is not pronounced Karate.

A karate club was formed at the Naha Commercial school.


1907 – November 28. According to an article in the Ryukyu Shinpo, a  Mr. Maeshiro demonstrated karate and saijutsu at Nishihara primary School.


1911 – Judo and Kendo were adopted as formal curricula for physical education in mainland Japanese middle schools and teacher’s colleges.


1937 – March 28: Twelve basic kata created by the Okinawa Prefecture Karate-do Promotion Society were publicized. They would become the basis for Kihon gata 1 and 2 used by many modern Shorin-ryu schools.


1941 – A committee of karate specialists was formed by the Okinawa prefecture to establish the  Kukyu-gata. This committee consisted of  Nagamine Shoshin, Miyagi Chojun, Kamiya Jinsei, Shinzato Jinan, Miyazato Hiroshi, Tokuda Anbun, Kinjo kensei, Kyan Shinei, etc.


Japanese University Karate

1924 – Funakoshi visited Keio University to teach karate and establish a karate club there.

1926 – The Karate Research Society at the Japan Dentistry School was established.

1927 – Motobu Choki created a karate club at Toyo University

            Miyagi Chojun assisted in the creation of a karate club at Ritsumeikan University

1935 - The Ritsumeikan University Univesrity Karate Kempo Club

1937 – September 10 The Tokyo Imperial Univesrity Karate-do Federation formed.

1939 – The Kanto University students’ Karate-do Federation formed.


Books and Publications

1902 – Article “The History of Karate” by Funakoshi Ginchin in Ryukyu Shinpo


1908 – October. Itosu Anku submitted his Ten Articles of Karate to the Okinawan Prefecture Board of Education.


1911 – Articke “Karate Club Records” by Yamauchi Moriaki and Moromisato Choho published in volume 9 of Ryudan.


1913 – October 9-16  Yokoyama Kendo’s article ‘Armaments of the Ryukyuana” ran in 8 parts of Rkukyu Shinpo newspaper.


1914 – January 17-19 Asato Anko and Funakoshi Ginchin’s article “The Martial Arts of Okinawa: About Karate” was run in 3 parts in Ryukyu Shinpo newspaper.

            January 21, Dokusho’s article “Bushi Higa” was run in Ryukyu Shinpo newspaper.


1915 – April 20, Tekkenzen’s 26-part article “Chronicles of the Origins of Budo” began its run in Ryukyu Shinpo newspaper.


1916 – Ishino Ei’s article entitled “Unique Martial Arts of Karate and Sumo” ran in the ‘Nature and People of the southern Islands’ magazine.


1918 – Tedokon Junsho penned an article “From the Karate Club” in Ryulan magazine volume 16.


1921 – Books: “Empty Hand Self Defense” by Hotta Giken (Seibundo)


1922 – April 24-25.  Article “Okinawan Martial Arts Introduced to Capital” by Tekkenzen in Okinawa Times newspaper.


            Books: “Ryukyu Kenpo Karate” by Funakoshi Ginchin


1923 – A chapter on the origins of Karate was included in Majikina Anko’s  “One Thousand Year History of Okinawa”.


1924 – Books: Rentan Goshin Karate-jutsu” by Funakoshi Ginchin


1926 – Books:  “Okinawa Kenpo Karate-jutsu Kumite-hen” by Motobu Choki.

1930 – Kyan Chotoku penned an essay on karate training

1932 – February “Karate Breeds Humility and Virtue” by Funakoshi Ginchin in Kobushi newsletter volume 5.

            Articles: “Karate” by Shimabuku Genpatsu in ‘The Okinawa Guide’

            “Martial Arts and Magic in Ryukyu” by the Fuyu in ‘History’

1933 – August 15 “Karate Kempo” by Mutsu Mizuho”

            “Weapons Prohibitions and the Development of Kenpo in Ryukyu” bu Iha Fuyu in Public Debates on History #21.

1934 – March, Miyagi Chojun penned “Karate-do Gaisetsu”

            October, Mabuni Kenwa published “Seipan No Kenkyu”

            Books: :The Study of  Karate-jutsu” by Itoman Seishin

1935 – Books: “Karate-do” by Shiromura Kainan and Ijima Manji in ‘Southern Islands

            December 10-18: “Talking of Karate: Origins, Traditions, Evolution and Masters” by Hiagonna Kamesuke

            Books: “Karate-do Kyohan” by Funakoshi Ginchin

            “Watashi no Karate-jutsu (My Karate-jutsu) by Motobu Choki

1936 – Takara Akio: published  “Ryukyu Kempo Karate Jutsu no Hanashi”

1937 – “Karate-do Taiken (Encyclopedia of Karate-do)” edited by Nakasone Genwa.

1938 – “Bushi Matsumora” by Matsumora Kojin

            “Kobo Kenpo Karate-do Nyumon” by Mabuni Kenwa and Nakasone Genwa.

            “Karate-do Hanshi (Talking of Karate)” by Nakasone Genwa

1941 -  Articles :”Budo as a Way of Life: Karate-do as a branch of Japanes Bushido” by Mabuni Kenwa

            “My Budo Autobiography” by Yoshimura Jinzai” in the monthly Bunka Okinawa Magazine.

1943 – Books: “Karate-do Nyumon” by Funakoshi Ginchin

1944 – “Books “Tales of Martial Arts Secrets” by Nakasone Genwa

            “Miscellaneous Thoughts on the Martial Arts” by Itoman Seishin


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