Saturday, June 22, 2019

When a movie clearly shows a technique that can work.

It is almost funny when you see movie fiction use real technique.


Of course perhaps not so suprising when the Chinese arts are involved in a kung fu movie. Consider the following movie.


From the kung fu movie Invincible Armor


I was watching this when I was astounded to see so clearly what I had learned so long ago.


The version I first was shown way a private Shotokan tradition, and the strike was done differently, after the spear hand was inserted, they spiraled the striking fist into the target intended. It was explained the initial spear hand strike was to shock the attacker’s body and then the followup strike could accomplish more.


Privately I worked up an Isshinryu striking version, then a 2nd Isshinryu variation.  For I found it an interesting strike potential.


I later learned a Silat variation of multiple striking which began with a different version of this striking.


No doubt there are others, I just do not know enough to know where they are.


But the spear hand strike collapsing into a 2nd fist strike is definitely something to use. The 2nd shock strike can cause the pressure to rise in the body being struck. 


This uses the first strike as a force enhancer for the following strike to penetrate stronger.

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