Sunday, August 4, 2019

A look at Aikido Principles

A look at Aikido Principles

Inspired by Shioda Gozo’s book “Total Aikido – the Master Course”

As you get older your muscles weaken,

And you can no longer lift and pull,

In the end there’s a limit to physical strength, no matter how you build it up.

That’s why Usheiba Sensei says hat

Unlimited strength comes from breath power.

In effect, it is based on natural principles.

If the other person comes powerfully against you,

And you respond simply by taking his power into yourself,

There is no need for effort.

Shioda Gozo

Chushin  Ryoku – the power of the centerline Keeping your centerline straight.


Shuchu Ryoku – Focused Power The power that is developed by unifying the whole body




Kokyu Ryoku – Breath Power Bringing together sensitivity, breathing, and rhythm into a focused power


Ki is the mastery of balance


Irmi – Entering A body movement that allows you to move in to the side of uke’s body



Kaiten – Turning Envelop uke’s movement in your own circular power


Extending you partner’s body - By causing uke to overextend his energy, you make him powerless



Timing – Grasp the moment to take over uke’s power


Using your partner’s energy – Catch the timing of the oncoming energy.


Controling uke’s knees Apply your energy against the weak point


Atemi – striking The moment of contact becomes the strike


Ichitaita – one against many Hold an opponent to catch an opponent




This article is not meant to instruct, rather to hopefully inspire you to further study on your own to understand what each principle applies and then work to use them in your own art.


The lesson is never over, strive to become more than you are.


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