Monday, December 16, 2019

Karate-do Taiken by Genwa Nakasone (1938):


Karate-do Taiken by Genwa Nakasone (1938): An Overview of Karate-do translated by Mario McKenna.

Table of Contents

Chomo Hanashiro Performing Jion
Shiroma Shimpan Performing Kata Application
Kenwa Mabuni Performing Sochin
Sochin Applications by Kenwa Mabuni and Shinken Taira
Passai Kata Performed by Choshin Chibana
Bowing Ceremony
Dagger disarming the First Seven Techniques
Shinken Taira Performing Staff Techniques: Kongo no Kata
Juhatsu Kyoda (back toward camera) teaching Karate-dó
Memorial Photograph of Dan Promotion
Takushoku University Karate Club Winter Training
Juhatsu Kyoda (Center) Leading Students
Shimpan Shiroma (Center) Leading Students
A Letter Left by the late Karate Master Anko Itosu I
A Letter Left by the late Karate Master Anko Itosu II
The Writings of Anko Itosu
‘Karate Kumite’ by Chomo Hanashiro
Photograph Commemorating the Establishment of Standardized Karate-dó Kata
Calligraphy by Gichin Funakoshi Sensei
Translator’s Acknowledgements
Foreword by Joe Swift
The Life of Genwa Nakasone by Mario McKenna
Foreword by Genwa Nakasone
The Ten Lessons of Toudi by Anko Itosu
Explanatory Words and Notes for Novice Karate-dó Students by Genwa Nakasone
Magnanimity by Soko Yamaga
Strong Commitment by Soko Yamaga
The Twenty Precepts of Karate-dó: An Explanation by Genwa Nakasone
Prepatory Training for Karate-dó by Genwa Nakasone
Karate-dó Kata and their Meaning by Shiroma Shimpan
Basic Karate-dó Kata by Genwa Nakasone
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 1
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 2
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 3
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 4
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 5
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 6
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 7
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 8
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 9
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 10
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 11
Basic Karate-dó Kata Number 12
An Outline of the Kata Jion by Chomo Hanashiro
An Outline of the Aragaki-ha Kata Sochin by Kenwa Mabuni
An Outline of Passai kata(Matsumura-line) by Choshin Chibana
An Outline of the Art of the Staff: Kongo no kata (Shushi no kon) by Shinken Taira
Dagger Disarming: The First Seven Techniques by Hironori Otsuka
Tales of Karate-dó by Genwa Nakasone
About the Authors
Possibly the most interesting Karate book I have.



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