Wednesday, January 22, 2020

From “Doka: Poems of Usheiba Morihei


From   “Doka: Poems of Usheiba Morihei


There are several Aikido techniques that move directly into the attack, avoiding collision, and emerging behind the attacker. There is a similar teaching in the Shinkage-ryu sword school. The poem reads:


Furikaburu tachi-no shita-koso jigoku-nare
Mi-o-sutetekoso ukabu se-mo-are


Beneath the raised sword/ is like hell,
Throw yourself away/ there may be a way out


“It is like Hell standing beneath a raised sword, be willing to sacrifice yourself, there may be a way out.”


One can imagine the poet watching a leaf flow downstream only to be pulled into the rapids and then appearing later below the falls. Could this be “irimi-ho,” the entering method?


A poem that reflects the fundamental element of martial art is probably the following by O’Sensei Morihei Ueshiba:

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