Monday, February 17, 2020

Illusion versus Reality

I was an Isshinryu stylist and in my early years I competed in tournaments in Maryland, Deleware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York.


That more than anything made me aware of the existence of other styles of karate. However at tournaments you only saw what you saw. My major other source of information came from the various karate magazines I read. None of which are completely reliable sources of information (as I gradually came to learn).


I was interested in almost everything, which also included Goju because of Isshinryu links to that art. In those magazines I learned of the existence of the most advanced Goju form, Suparimpe. But I never saw that form (or many advanced Goju forms) at those tournaments. I got the impression those outside of Goju were not to see them? Correct of not, that is what I observed over those years.

This was the time well before Youtube.

But the existence of that form still reverberated in my existence. There was a Shorin Group that used a form Super Empi (truly), which seemed to be a jazzed up version of Empi (but I wondered of the name was also cashing in on the Goju name (not an impossible thought).


That was also the time period I was training with many people, and learning impossibly complex Chinese forms too. So I built a fantasy version of Suparimpe in my head. Not based on reality just supposition and perhaps a bit influenced at all those Chinese forms I was studying.


Don Warner came out with a self published book on Goju forms. I sent away for it, but it did not show Suparimpe and I set it aside. I trained a bit with the Goju instructor at Ithica College, Ed Savage, and he did show me a number of forms, through Shisochin, But our time together was limited, because of distance. It never went beyond that level.


A decade later Panther came out with a Morio Hiagonna series on Goju kata. I sent away and purchased the Suparimpe VHS tape.


When it came I finally saw Suparimpe for the first time. Of course I was nothing like I had imagined. No reason my imagining should have anything to do with reality.


It was what it was, nothing less, nothing more.


I learned a very real lesson, it is better, far better, to see for yourself what is real than to imagine what it might be.


Of course since that time I have seen the form innumerable times. After all with YouTube how could you not find so many versions.


Right after that time in the 1980’s there seemed to be an explosion of Goju material now available. Nothing hidden.


But perhaps the past was more interesting, when there was wonder at what was.



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