Saturday, March 7, 2020

Kyan Style Seisan – a study in derivative variation

13, 20Kyan Style Seisan – a study in derivative variation

Kyan Sensei did not create a ‘style’ he simply taught karate (simply being an understatement).  
Here are some of the Seisan Kata of his students and some of the Seisan kata of Isshinryu.


Shorin Ryu footage of Kyan-style Seisan
performed by Nakama Haruka

  seisan at 3:19
Nakazato Joen watching his students Seisan kata
– Shorin-ji Ryu

Seisan Kata Joshinmon Dojo of Joen Nakazato

The Chotoku Kyan version of Seisan.
Performed by Zenpo Shimabukuro of the Seibukan

Seidokan ( derived from Seibukan )

Shimabuku Tatsuo Isshinryu Seisan

Eiko Kaneshi Students Seisan

Angi Uezu Seisan

Shimabuku Kichiro

Shimabuku Eizo Seisan – Shobayashi
Tom Lewis Seisan
Charles Murray Seisan kata with chinkuchi
My son Victor Michael and his seisan the day before he went to college

Andy Sloan Seisan kata


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