Sunday, March 8, 2020

Miyagi style Seiunchin – and study in derivative variation

Seiunchin/Seienchin/Seiyunchin Kata and all other spellings.

Back in 1989 Joe Swift gave a French publication of Mabuni  Kenwa’s 1934 “GOSHIN KARATE KEMPO

Defense and Attack” and asked me to translate it for him. Interesting because he was and is a Japanese translator, but I had studied French for 7 years back in the 1960s. I work and worked some more and finally finished it for him. Some time later Patrick McCarthy learned I had done so and inquired if he could publish my translation. He did spif up the photos a bit then published it in his groups magazine. Then in time I made several more translations of French works for his use as he saw fit. I was never a member of his group,

The interesting thing is that book showed Sanchin and Seienchin Kata and the bunkai for Seienchin. Mabuni was a friend of Miyagi and incorporated the Goju kata in his Shito Ryu. To my knowledge this is the earliet documentation of these kata. I am adding that translation at the end.





Yagi Meitetsu, Hanshi 10th-dan, performing Seiunchin kata

Seiunchin Chinen Teruo st 5:00


Goshi Yamaguchi Goju-ryu Kata about 6:20 on the video

JKF Seiyunchin Kata



Seienchin _ Kata & Bunkai _ Shito Ryu Karate



Seiunchin Kata Shimabuku Tatsuo


Ezio Shimabuku Seiunchin (brother of Tatsuo) kata



Seiunchin Kata - 1 of 2 -Angi Uezu -Isshinryu


Seiunchin Isshin-ryu karate kata Uechi Tsuyoshi




Tom Lewis in the 1970s



Charles Murray 1980



Charles Murray



Young Lee Seiunchin 1989 
(This was the way Tom Lewis taught me in 1974)

Young Lee performing Seiunchin 2009


Victor Michael and I (performing an impromptu demonstration)


My translation of Mabuni's book:


More information about Goju Ryu can be found on my blog from another  translation effort. It is at :


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