Thursday, March 12, 2020

Wansu Kata – a study in derivative variation

Wansu Kata – a study in derivative variation


Shorin Ryu footage of Kyan-style Wansu
performed by Nakama Haruka
  seisan at 5:41


Seibukan Wansu



Shorinji Nakazato Wansu 



Wansu kata (Shorin ryu) Arakaki sensei


Wanshu Kata - Nagamine Shoshin 


Funakoshi Empi (wansu) kata



Old JKA empi (wansu) kata



Shimabuku Tatsuo Wansu kata



Angi Uezi Wansu kata



Wansu kata by students of Tokumura Kensho Sensei.


Josh Normandin Wansu 



Young Lee 1990 Wansu



Andy Sloane Wansu kata


1 comment:

  1. A personal note I imaging (with no documentation behind this) that Wansu kata was Tatsuo Shimabuku's first effort to expand the kata he learned adding other material he felt expanded his art.
