Friday, May 1, 2020

My Chia Fa (tonfa) story.

Let us just begin, not necessarily in a time order.

Hamahiga nu tuifa Performed by Arcenio Advincula


No question Advincula has done a polished performance of that kata.


When Tom Lewis trained on Okinawa the form was not done then, neither did Sherman learn it then. Sherman later was shown the form by Advincula. When he saw my version he just showed me his version and did not say anything else. On the day of my black belt examination Charles had me perform it during a break in the Mitchum Sensei clinic. Mitchum Sensei also said it was not done when he trained on Okinawa.


It was about 1960 when Master Shimabuku studied with Taira Shinken and he was shown the form them, somewhat later he began teaching it.


Charles handed me the 1966 Shimabuku kata movie he had borrowed from Sensei along with a movie edition allowing me to view it frame by frame. And he told me to teach it to myself and then I would teach it to him. While Charles had borrowed the form to study the bo kata, he gave me a different challenge.

As Lewis Sensei had not studied it in 1959 and Charles did not study iy at Agena when he trained there as a black belt in 1972 during his Air Force tour on Okinawa. It was not in the IKC tradition.


I remember going crazy viewing it over and over again. Full speed or frame by frame, I am not sure if I really got it, but I got what I got. And found it almost impossible to view the form again.


MCC - 178 Shimabuku (Tonfa)

Chie Fa Shimabuku Tatsuo


I did teach what I was doing to Charles. About a year later I also shared   what I knew with Reese Rigby.

As I worked on it I became dissatisfied with the tonfa use In the form for practical self defense. So I worked something else out for that.


Now roll forward maybe 25 years when I showed what I did to Sherman, at that time I did not know there was any controversy about the form. And Sherman never discussed that either. He did mention he had not studied it on Okinawa and that it was shown to him here.


Then in 1990 now on the internet I joined many discussion groups, one of them on Isshinryu.


When I talked about my Chia fa tonfa, I faces some derision about how everyone knew Shimabuku Sensei was incorrect about the tonfa he showed.  Honestly I had seem some versions at tournaments, all were slightly different from what I practiced. That gave no reason to change what I was doing.


Logically I did not know what occurred. Did he have a senior moment, had he consciously changed the form. I had no authority to make a decision. And as time went on I saw many variations, again with no knowledge about the right answer.


I had a video which Angi Uzeu made showing the form The form was very akin to the Shimabuku video, but he called it Hamahiga No Tonfa.


Hamahiga Tonfa kata - 1 of 2 -Angi Uezu -Isshinryu

Then I found a Taira Shinken YouTube video doing what seems to be the same form.


Taira Shinken Kobudo – tonfa  Done at a training pace


My own analysis was that all the versions shown are very much basically doing the same thing. In essence the difference did not seem to mean much difference between them to me.


And as long before I had worked out my own tonfa training drill, the difference meant very little to me. I was not looking for anyone in Isshinryu’s approval in any case, I just retained it because the unique handling skill developed useful fractals for our karate kata application use.


I also kept the name I originally saw on that Shimabuku video. It may or may not have been correct, but it was what I tried to learn after all.


I never filmed our best performances of our Chia Fa, but I recently discovered our group did it for Ernie as a break for him at a clinic. Not our best perhaps, but it shows a bit of what we did.


Our performance of Chia Fa follows@2:22


I remain convinced the real value to the study is the grip handling skills which can add texture to our kata application studies. Bu-Sai-Tonfa each adding separate elements to add to our karate.



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