Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The white belt kata movement potential development.


 It came to me to use Supplemental (mandatory) kata at white belt.


Originally the use was to permit development of youth kata, but in practice all in our practice, young and old follow the same path.


The order we use is as follows.

Kata Sho (an Isshinryu modification ot Fyukata Sho
originally developed by Nagamine)
Kyozai (the form developed for school physed classes)
Kata Annanku  (from the Shimabuku Ezio lineage)
Kata Seisan



They serve many purposes:


1.     Allowing more time to let the beginner develop stronger kata skill.  


2.     Second to let them touch other systems and thus not be worried about their existence. If only through a brief touch.


3.     Where adequate performance is expected of the white belt by shodan it is expected there will be skilled performance.


But they are also an important part of Dan training.


1.     They can be used for study on various skills timing development.


2.     They can be used for study of a variety of different breathing modes.

     3.     They can be used for test beds to work a wide variety of multiple striking  


4.     More importantly they are useful to allowed skilled use for attacks using techniques from those kata which they have developed skill in which to work against in the study of Isshinryu kata application potential and then application realization.

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