Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Just a touch of Tjimande in the Air


Among my various studies was I received some instruction on the Sutrisno Family version of the art of Tjimande. Not that I know much, but everything I was shown was extremely effective. As a result of that I saved many of the Indonesian martial arts articles I encountered.


I was looking through an old notebook holding hard copy of articles I had saved on the various Indonesian Martial Arts.  A number of those articles were  showing the Tjimande of RUDY TER LINDEN . What struck me this morning was how one of those articles applications could also be applied to a section of my Chinto kata.


I believe those articles were from a time before YouTube, I don’t ever recall looking into whatever YouTube video’s he had available.


My search found a variety of short videos showing him teach his students some Tjimande applications. They are each short but the material is well presented.


I am just showing one of those videos and prepared a series of screen prints showing one of the applications presented on those videos.


My screen prints of one technique series.


Among the available videos of Rudy Ter Linden are:


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