Friday, July 10, 2020

An Aikido/Chin Na story


Back in 1985 my wife and I moved to NH because of a new job for me.
A friend from another karate system invited us to a clinic where Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming was one of the presenters. My friend specifically wanted to see his Chin-Na in action.


My wife was a new black belt then, and she also trained with my friend who included aikido training alongside his karate.


As the clinic progressed, my friend was working with my wife on a technique similar to an outer wrist wrap control. But he was having a difficult time trying to understand how to do it.


Dr. Yang was working the floor helping people, when he noted my friends difficulty. He stopped to help and asked my wife to do the movement on him so my friend could see what occurred.


My wife did the wrist rap, quite effectively. Now Dr. Yang was very experienced and I note how enlarged and red his wrists were from constantly doing Chin Na.

So when Maureen wrapped his wrist and applied sudden sharp pressure, Dr. Yang went promptly to his knees, the threat of impending pain drove him sharply down to avoid the pain.


Of course it was humorous to see my wife put him down.


But that is not the end of the story.


My friend a little later contracted with Dr. Yang to teach several long term clinics on Tai Chi and Chin Na. Work did not make it possible for me to attend, but my wife signed up for both.


The first one was the Chin Na clinic.


And the second she walked through the door Dr. Yang recognized her and proclaimed. “Not her she broke me last time.” Which was him being funny.


My wife lasted both classes. After her Chin Na training she would come home, I would by then be there, and she proceeded to practice on me. Oh how painful that was. I learned a great deal about Chin Na that way.




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