Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Kata Kyozai

I incorporated 3 supplementary kata for my students prior their Seisan Kata study. Kata Sho (Fyugata Sho, Ananku and Kyozai.  Altered a bit to reflect Isshinryu technique and execution as well as considering newer students abilities.


Kata Kyozai -  When I saw this form and understood it was created by teachers on Okinawa as a kata study for gym class, not karate class I became intrigued. Then I noticed it was constructed to pay tribute to many Okinawan systems, so I saw the value to sharing it too.


Joe Swift had shared a video of the form with me and I thought why not have my students study what kids did on Okinawa.


These are supplemental studies preparing my students for Isshinryu kata studies down the road.

I am including two different videos of students at different levels to show the form.

These were not meant to be perfect performances, just reflection where those student were at that time.




For the record, I was looking for perfect performance
 on their shodan examination in 6 or 8 years of practice.

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