Sunday, August 9, 2020

The challenge of today

In my state of diminished capabilities I still feel the need to find martial effectiveness. And though I work as my tai chi and karate studies they are a pale shell of what I once could to.


To fairly access my current physical state is a reasonable starting point.


1.    I am much weaker everywhere.
a.     Stronger at the beginning of the day.

b.    Weaker later in the day.
c.     The weakness extends to my facial muscles which affect my ability to speak.

                                                             i.      Verbal speech is extremely difficult, as going slow when speaking does not match my thinking (normal speed) so often I talk too fast making anyone understanding me more difficult.

                                                          ii.      This is even worse on the phone, I can with effort get what I say across, but if stressed I go to fast and am incomprehensible.
2.  2. My reaction time is much reduced.

3.    My grip grows weaker as time goes on.

4.    The best kata of what I can do is the Isshinryu Sanchin, and my own version of Tensho, Naifanchi. A portion of the Bando short stick form.

5.    I am much unstable. I can walk around our condo, but outside when I walk I use my 3 wheeled walker, lI have fallen down (more akin to rolling down) and while not seriously injured, every time I could only get back up with assistance. This has cut back on my taking longer 2+ mile walks.

Keeping all that in mind I am still committed to maintaining some semblance of martial effectiveness.

Which means I must use my strongest form which is Sanchin.



What I have been doing is performing the kata with various short handheld sticks, Either 1 or 2 of them. I have worked several ways to use the sticks for striking in a variety of strikes. Inside-out, Outside-in, descending, ascending strikes.


The short stick becomes a force enhancer capable of delivering a very strong strike. They are not pretty but I care nothing for looks.


I have a wide variety of possible drills such as Bando’s Hidden Stick, or T’ai Chi Jian done with a very short stick. All them are possibilities as well as various Tjimande drills adapted to stick. But my continuing work with Sanchin seems the strongest possibility to me.


I do not see fighting possible, for any use against anyone will be capable of working, yet that strike will probably cause me to fall.


I see it as a one strike option. Not for fighting rather for ending an attack. If I go down but achieve my goal I see that as an acceptable answer.


Not to remain standing

but to decimate what presents itself before me.

Speak softly then let my stick do my talking.



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