Sunday, August 23, 2020

The shod foot

This photo of Ginchen Funakoshi striking a makiwara,
brings much more to mind.
Think about the geta he is wearing,
and what it would feel like if he was wearing them
and used them with his kicks (keri).
Of course different footware
have differing kicking effect potential.
Your training should reflect how your kicking
reflects what you are wearing on your feet.

1 comment:

  1. Dojo TokyoMushinkan - His posture is reminiscent of the Shuri based martial arts which were influenced by Japanese sword in addition to Kung-fu... note the lower back is straight/stretched not hunched, and the pelvis is neutral not tucked, like a good Naihanchi stance... i think this is influence from Asato, who learned both Karate and Sword from Matsumura... Thanks for posting this, great reminder that in Funakoshi generation there was still a bit of the martial movement patterns remaining before being completely overshadowed by western sport and modern Chinese self-defense a-la Higaonna Kanryo.
