Thursday, August 6, 2020

Victor's T'ai Chi Chaun

I began my study of Yang Long Fist T'ai Chi Chaun in 1979.
The training was studying with Ernest Rothrock.
It took me 2 years of weekly half hour classes
to learn the entire form.
Then single, double and, double turning push hands.
Including the T'ai Chi straight Sword.
Then continual work from that time forward.

About 15 years later Ernest and I did a T'ai Chi demonstration.
Because of distance we had not worked together for a decade.

About 1990 I began a small group study under  my direction.
That lasted until 2006.
Then I returned to my own practice.
In 2011 I had to undergo cancer surgery,
my t'ai chi practice was a large part of my recovery.
Then in 2013 I developed a number of disabilities,
Among them general muscle weakness and a lack of balance.
Together it made my T'ai Chi almost impossible to perform.
I spent the next year working out what I could do.
Eventually I worked out a method requiring less stepping and turning.
I used swaying throughout much of the form.

Today, I still practice.
T'ai Chi remains as much a part of me
as does my karate practice.
Evolved Change but never ceasing practice.

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