Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Concerning my paradigm for teaching kata application


IMO there are almost an infinite number of paradigms as to how any instructor/school/system approaches use of kata and the concept of bunkai/application of their kata. Each personally believes in their system.


Those approaches may be to consciously not teach applications or to teach a formal set of kata applications or to move from teaching formal application studies to more private application studies. There are uncountable answers different instructors use. Each answer being right for the instructor.


For myself I came from a blend of different traditions, learning different approaches how to develop students over the range from white belt to ongoing dan instruction.


From my beginnings there were no formal kata technique application studies, yet another paradigm. But it was a powerful way to develop karate. Then I saw how different schools used formal wazza studies to develop students, not formal kata application studies. I became aware of approaches used in Chinese systems.


I experienced a very powerful system that did not instruct ‘bunkai’ until dan study. That system did not hide the existence of kata technique uses just waited until power, technique and speed had truly developed over kyu studies. Then at dan study the exact bunkai of each kata were studied, One bunkai for each kata movement point during execution, where at that point a string of applications came forth (often having little to do with the kata embusen. And Shodan learn those bunkai for every kata they studied. Then at nidan a different bunkai for every movement point during execution were studied. Again such for every kata. That continued to be the pattern for sandan, yodan and godan. Astaggering number of technique studies, each extremely effective. And that system only had 5 dans, thus it would be a lifetime study.


Even more important was what I experienced from Sherman Harrill of Isshinryu who shared with me 800 or so uses for the 8 Isshinryu kata. A true education.


Eventually I worked up my own synthesis for my program.


I was not teaching self defense, tournament karate, physical education karate, I was simply teaching karate. I had come to realize most students would not reach shodan, And that many shodan would not continue with the study further. Then there were  those who did continue study. Each group had need of effective technique no matter how long they trained. So I made sure we provided what I felt was the best possible training to accomplish that.


Then for the serious Shodan the more advanced study that they had begin to be prepare for begun. I began their instruction to work on about 100 application potentials for the first movement series that they were taught.  This was designed to allow them to understand the different principles behind the applications as much as solid execution was needed. More so they would be taking the first steps to realize that there was application potential into the training to make each application realized, a much longer journey.


Only at that point would they move into the application potential of their kata movements. But not studied kata by kata, rather experienced by the serendipity of what I was continuing to work on myself. They came to understand those principles they already learned equally applied to all their movements, along with new principles they experienced.


This is what karate application came to mean to me.


An ongoing step into the infinite well of my own kata studies, Ever learning, ever new,


Infinity and beyond.


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