Monday, January 4, 2021

To Infinity and Beyond

 I created this blog for a very distinct purpose.

1.  I wanted to remind my senior students of much of what we covered.


2.  There was so much material from my training with so many that I could never cover in class, and I wanted to make that material available for them if they ever found a use for it.


3.  I studied so many different things that I could never share in class even during our decades together. Their own training was always more important, this allowed me to share some of those studies again if they should find some future use


4, And more importantly I do not believe knowledge should be hidden, I always allowed others access to what I shared with my students.       

a.     I did so hoping further discussion would come from this allowing me to learn more.


 5.  I was never trying to obtain more students. 


7.  For those that obtain value from my words then they have earned their knowledge through their own efforts.


8. As impossible as this is to believe, there is information and matters I do not share publicly, choosing to send that to my students privately.



But earlier this year when Jim Keenan published a book of some of my words here, he was not puffing me up but making a larger point that what I was doing was to his experience something unique and he felt that is should be shared.  It was nothing like my full blog, more an introduction to what my blog was about.


The reality is I am not anything close to the greatest martial artists. My blog was never about making a statement about how great I am.


I have trained with too many whose knowledge and ability far exceeded my own.


What was different is that I have made a concerted effort to share what little I have seen.  And to date that is about 1,875 posts and I am still discovering I have things that I have not said.


Think about that a bit. There are so many great instructors in many different styles that do not appear to be doing the same. There are many details, stories, etc. from their own experiences not available to others. I can understand that is their choice, however I also see such incredible knowledge continuing to be lost and others having to rediscover it for themselves.


A somewhat similar knowledge has been attached to pubically sharing what the application of kata is meant to mean. Oft times we hear you have to work it out for yourself.


Ok, I acknowledge there is some truth to that.


On the other hand I know of a system that you never work out what a kata technique is used for. Instead kyu development focuses on learning the kata, and a whole set of drills that can be used for defense. Allowing much more time spent developing technique ability, increasing speed of execution of that technique and increasing power development of that technique. And those drills alone are a practical self defense ability.


Then after dan the larger study beginning. At each dan at every movement point during a kata, there is a very specific string of techniques. So say the study of kata at shodan involved in depth study of hundreds of incredible application studies. Only then when  skill of those applications is realized would one begin nidan study.


Then the nidan learn entirely different application studies, all of which are also great techniques.


That continues for sandan, yodan and godan (the system only has 5 dans).


Thus a full study involving decades of work and none of it trying to find an answer as to what a kata movement is for. Instead at each level the effort is focused on developing skill and always learning more and more. Each level involved different principles.


At each dan level every technique works.

The goal is keeping your mind moving and always learning anew.


Then when you think about that contrast how much knowledge others have and is not being shared.


I would wish others attempted to do the same. But all I really can do is make my own minor efforts. First and always for my students. But second and not least for anyone who chooses to look beyond where they are and have fun.


And believe me this is all about having fun.


Well the journey is not yet complete. I still have memories to save. And I am always learning more about my own journey with this process.



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