Thursday, April 1, 2021

Current Status 4/1/2021


It has been almost 5 years since anyone visited me to discuss or do any karate.


Of course part of that is due to my moving to Arizona as a result of my disabilities.


Still after so many decades of non-stop practice and teaching it is different.


My abilities are far less today, one does what one can.


And many parts of my past practice have become impossible to continue.


But I still am attempting to document everything I have experienced,


By maintaining my blog (currently 1,927 posts)


As well as extensive emails to my former students on almost anything martial (current tab 202 emails)


And of course with my book, ISSHIN.


The more I delve in my experiences and studies the more I find I have not shared.


Not that I expect my students to use this to direct their own study.


It is just that I want them to have access to my journey,

 in case they ever find these experiences useful.


The interesting thing I find as I move forward

Is how I find almost no one else has done this,

at least publically.


I understand the desire to keep some things private,

That is why I communicate some things to my students via email.


But there are obviously so many experiences that could be shared.


I do not expect what I write in my blog,

 to be a way for anyone to be considered my student.

Truly without the requisite face time with me that is impossible.

But if what I share provides some inspiration,

To make someone work to own the thought,

Then they will deserve it.


And now I think on what I have study,

As well as review my files for more material.


The beat goes on, the beat goes on

Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain



And I am but one individual,

I wonder how much others are not sharing.






1 comment:

  1. Victor sensei,

    For what it's worth, I've been reading your blog for some time now after having come across it about a year ago. First time commenting. It's been enlightening, especially as someone who stepped away from martial arts (and it just so happened to be Isshin-Ryu) for some time and picked it back up about two years ago, only to find myself as a solo practitioner. I'd just like to say thanks for providing your insights as you do.
