Wednesday, May 26, 2021

I suppose again that this need to be perfectly clear.


 I have written my blog only for my senior students and the instructors I have created. That is probably about 7 individuals for I consciously kept my adult dojo very small wanting to keep a very intimate training with my students.


My black belts stayed with me an average of 18+ years, with my Senior students staying over 35 years of continuous training. But even with those years of training there was never enough time to share much of what I learned, saw or researched. There was always too much more important things to cover in training. Their needs always came first.


So I have saved some of what we studied together with my blog to enable them to remember that material, There is also a great deal of material I chose not to place on my blog, material I sent to them directly.


Then I have saved material of my own studies and research to allow them to have it available for them if they so choose to use it. I have no illusions they will use all of it, It is just available for them or perhaps a future student of theirs to use.


However, I have always allowed others access to what I have written.


I was not seeking new students. My time as an instructor has passed. And if anyone makes any of this work for them, they have earned the right to that material.


Face it while I am an Isshinryu instructor, I am far from the most knowledgeable or the best technician. While I have studied with many, everyone who shared with me was far above my abilities or knowledge. I have just done my best to save what I was shown to my best ability.


The past few years I have made a conscious effort to share this material on-line with various discussion groups. I have done so because I have rarely seen others discuss this material. I always found discussion allowed me to learn more and that is what interests me most these days.


We each follow different steps on our journey. I just want to share some of what I see.


And I am not done, for I still find new things to add to my blog.


I am now enduring multiple disabilities. They do not allow me to much do what I enjoy most, working on my studies. No one really seeks me out, nor with my speech affected with my disability, do I receive many phone calls.


But my life remains following my art.

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