Sunday, June 13, 2021

Chosen No Kama Dai


Chosen No Kama Dai from Tristan Sutrisno (Shotokan, Aikido , Tjimande)


I had begun training with Tristan Sutrisno about 1980 . We had met several  years earlier competing against each other at tournaments. I took him up on his invitation to visit him and he had me jump into his class to train.


I trained in many practices I had never seen, and after each monthly visit I would make notes to remember what I had been shown, realizing that these were one time events and wanting to retain as much as possible.


I remember after a while he was teaching his brown belts a new kata, the Kama kata Chosen No Kama Sho.  He had me join in that training. Of course I kept notes to remember it. The following visit he was showing them the 2nd kata in that chain,. that of Chosen No Kama Dai. That form was extremely close to the first kama kata, but the technique execution was quite different.  Thus another thing that would be one off to remember.


That was all the instruction I was to receive.  Of course I practiced those two kata forever.


A few years later he competed at a tournament in Pennsylvania I was not able to attend.  His kobudo kata was Chosen No Kama Dai-Ichi. I gather it was vastly more advanced but retained most of the original embusen of the series of kama kata. I recall he won first place in that competition. I never saw the form.


When I moved to New Hampshire in 1985, Tristan would pay my visits to give clinics for my students and I.  He also sent me a video of a Christmas Demonstration his students gave, and on it his student Ed Summers did the Chosen No Kama Dai kata.


Chosen no Kama Dai performed by his student Ed Summers about 1985


Then in the later 1980s Tristan was giving another clinic for my students and that time one time he decided to work with me on kama.  There he showed me different ways to execute kama technique in the form.


Tristan working on Chosen No Kama Dai in my backyard in Derry about 1988

A number of years later I showed Ernest Rothrock the form when he was giving a clinic for my students on some of his arts.

 As performed by myself around 1992


For me personally it was always difficult, the continual shifts between open handling of the kama to closed handling of the kata then back to open kama proved to be most challenging. And as I aged it became more difficult, perhaps an early indication of my disability that was to come.

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I was shown the Chosen No Kama Sho and Dai kata

In 1980 on several of my first visits to Tris’ dojo.


The standard in the Sutrisno dojo is that both kama kata

Used the same embusen.


The handling of the kama was more advanced in the Dai version.


Chosen No Kama Dai ( version 1) 1988 and 1st row of the Yang Tai Chi Chaun

Kama Sho


Kama Dai pass

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