Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Saturday Saturday…5/30/2008

  Morning Class


          Don continues Seisan

          Mike, Michael and Mark –

                   Sai Sho

                   SunNuSu then Supple Dragon

                   Beginning Kusanku Sai



          Seisan opening section into RFF Rt Chamber left strike across biceps tendon


Wansu  Very interesting. Section on RFF Horse stance L High Rt Low palm strikes then turn and step 180, using the arm motion as a takedown lock.


I varied the palm strike so RFF lft rising counter-clockwise parry with right Palm strike (counter-clockwise) into the kidneys. This really moves them over from pain.


1.     If their arm stays up the Wansu takedown lock.

2.     If their arm drops, the right hand then snakes across their jaw (clockwise) and you circle them back and down.


Of course this section is a variation of Kusanku’s twist block/strike and Tjimande drill No. 1.



          Later working on several kata technique applications we began to work on Wansu's 'big throw', leaning on one of Harrill Sensei's versions, using the movement to rotate the attackers left arm into an arm bar (biceps insertion) takedown/lock.


What happened was I chose to initially strike lightly into the kidneys.


Attacker standing just throws a left haymaker to your jaw.


1. Right foot forward with a circular rising outer parry as you step forward into horse stance and your right palm strikes lightly right to left into the attacker's left kidney.


2. A light slap results in a quick shit of the attackers body away, rotating their core clockwise.


3. Keeping the left hand up, the right forearm starts crossing the biceps tendon as the left hand hooks over their left wrist (Don't use a grab which immobolizes your arm).


4. Continue with the Wansu big throw motion as you turn clockwise 180 pivoting on the left foot, resulting in a takedown/lock of the attacker.


Note: if your left hand slips down, moving the attackers arm parallel or lower than their shoulder, the throw isn't worth the effort. Simply hang on to their wrist, reach across their jaw with your right, rotating their head clockwise on the axis of their spine, and pull back dropping them.


I hadn't made much work on the kidney slap, previously. It really generates pain and is useful for very quick control.

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