Saturday, September 11, 2021

My journey with the T'ai Chi Sword Form


I began my walk today working Yang Tai Chi Sword, or rather what I can do of it. It was the most difficult thing I ever had to learn and attempt to do correctly.


I learnt ½ of it from Ernest Rothrock when I studied Tai Chi with him. During the 2 years when I learnt the Yang Form. For many years I did my best not to do it before him.


It was the simplest sword I ever saw him do. I can recall training at his school, practicing at the same time he worked on his daily practice. This was before he began focusing on the Eagle Claw system, Each day he worked on different form sets. On sword day I used to watch him work sword for an hour and it seemed to me that he was not repeating a form.


Then one day, after maybe 10 years, when I was visiting him in Pittsburgh. He decided that I had to learn the rest of the tai chi sword form, so that was the challenge for the weekend.


Many years later one day when I was teaching a group that was studying tai chi with me, one of the guy’s had a friend visiting from Maine with a tai chi background. He showed me his Yang sword. I showed him mine. He was astonished that what I was doing was vastly more complex that what he had studied.


So I struggled through ½ the form. And I remember, remember and dream.


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