Monday, June 12, 2023

Chito-ryu maintaining the link to Aragaki Seisho.


Cezar Borkowski

Chito-ryu maintaining the link to Aragaki Seisho.

The style of Chito-ryu 千唐流 founded by Chitose (Chinen) Tsuyoshi, is not widely known outside the island of Kyushu and a few southern states of USA. In Canada that is a different story. Not only is Chito-ryu very popular (due in totality to the patriarch of Canadian Karate, Masami Tsuruoka O-sensei), but other style pioneers of Matsubayashi-ryu, Goju-ryu, Wado-ryu, Shito-ryu and Shotokan in Canada, were black belts in this system first, and maintain great appreciation for their original tutelage.


The system of Chito-ryu is a blend of methods and teachings from several famous Okinawan Tote masters such as Aragaki Seisho, Higaonna Kanryo, Hanashiro Chomo and Bojutsu master Chinen Sanda. Of particular interest are the kata Seisan, Niseishi (Sho and Dai), Rohai (Sho, Chu and Dai) and Sochin, preserved in an archetypal form as Aragaki taught the young boy, whom he nicknamed Chinen Gwa. - page taken from 1965 Canadian National Karate Championships



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