Thursday, June 8, 2023

On a discussion about applying Tonfa to Pinan Godan


Bottom of Form 2

Kevin Pereira‎ initiated a discussion on Applying Tonfa to Pinan godan


John Kerker responded


John Kerker - In actual practice, Karate and Kobudo are two separate things, the Dynamics of how you create power by shifting through various stance sequence differs greatly.....for a long time I thought that were the same until I started training Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan as a separate



Victor Smith - In the past when there was little access to kobudo training, frequently individuals from many systems would take an empty hand kata and use as a basis for a weapons form. Understandable, for that is all there was. I observed this many times that frequently Kata Empi was used for one or perhaps one of the Pinan kata would be a basis a kobudo form.


However, with greatly increased availability to kobudo training today, there is less reason to do so.


Isshinryu has always had a kobudo component to its system, but that is not the same as kobudo systems of study may use its principles in their studies either.


Each server different purposes. That is what John Keker was suggesting.


As a skill building exercise this is useful training, on the other hand there are many skills developed through traditional methods than never are present either. Effort builds skill for sure, but all skill are not the same.



John Kerker


You learn karate and get strong in karate by practicing karate.....

 proper Makiwara and Hojo undo training and with kata/kihon/

 Kobudo will develop all the strength you'll ever need.


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