Friday, June 9, 2023

The manipulation of interphalangeal joints of the hand


Andreas Quast


In Japanese Jujutsu the manipulation of interphalangeal joints of the hand is called yubi-dori, literally "catching a finger". It is a sub-category of the kansetsu-waza (joint locks). An example of the yubi-dori we find in the "Hokusai Manga Rokuhen" of 1817, a copy of which I was lucky to obtain during my years of Jujutsu study in around 2000. I attached the picture.

The description is given in Hiragana. It says "zoku ni ihu, senribiki". In English this means "(This technique is) commonly referred to as 'Senribiki'."

Senribiki in turn can be interpreted as "pulling a thousand miles". It is an arresting technique, more specifically a technique to haul someone away. Think of kanuki-gatame (locking extending lever) and the like. It refers to transporting a criminal over whatever distance by controlling the amount of pain inflicted on his interphalangeal joint


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