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the Okinawan Karate and Kobudo Encylclopedia


7th October 2008, 00:31 #56

Victor Smith

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I wonder where the new publication of the Okinawan Karate and Kobudo Encylclopedia will come down as to family systems of study?

Of course it's only available in Japanese at this time and is far from cheap. It would be interesting to see how the Okinawan's address family practices.

 Victor Smith

Bushi No Te Isshinryu

7th October 2008, 04:20 #58


Patrick McCarthy

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Hi Victor,

Understanding Japanese cultue as I do, and looking at who collectively participated in the research and development of this project, and some of what was contributed, I am hopeful that we'll see something fresh and provoking. I would not, however, be completely surprised to see much of the same old self-serving stuff brought together into a single volume. Fingers crossed that I am wrong.

There's talk about an English translation but, from what I heard, argument over copyright, money and who will publish and profit from it has prevented this from happening just yet. Either way, you can be sure that the "good parts" will find their way into English long before an "official" translation is ever sanctioned.

Patrick McCarthy
International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society

6-01-2023       To date I have never heard of anEnglish Translation. It makes me wonder if the purpose of the Encyclopedia was just to allow other Okinawan Instructors to know more about other Okinaawan systems...VDS




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