Monday, July 10, 2023

A Collection of advice from Karate Seniors. Nineth in a series of posts.


Seibukan Shorin-ryu of Hanshi Zenpo Shimabukuro
(Student of Shimabuku Zenryu who was a student of Kiyan Chotoku)

To Strive for the Perfection of Character

To Defend the Paths of Truth

To Foster the Spirit of Effort

To Honor the Principles of Etiquette

To Guard Against Impetuous Courage


Shinjinbukan Shorin-ryu of Onaga Yoshimitsu
(Student of Higa Yuchoku)

The heavenly, spiritual way, "the way of god".

The human, civil way.

The martial way.

The way is attained through practice not contemplation.


Directions on Practicing Karate

Okinawa Shorin Ryu Matsumura Kenpo Karate and Kobudo Association

 Under Kuda Yuichi/Kuda Tomosada

of Okinawa Shorin Ryu Kobukan Karatedo



1.     Those who study karate must always be polite so that they may not be selfish.

2.     They must be polite not only to master and seniors, but also to fellows and juniors.

3.     They must always begin and end with greetings [i.e. a bow] when practicing karate kata and playing practice matches.

4.     Karate kata are the base of karate. They must practice and study the kata and matches eagerly without making haste for the successful result.

5.     The variety of karate skill is limitless. They must always make efforts to train the mind and improve the skill.

6.     When they play practice matches, they must do their best at concentrating their attention so that the motions may be faster, stronger, and more accurate. They must not get excited in the matches.

7.     They must always remember to improve the skill and study the essence of it. There is no end in practicing karate.

8.     In daily life, they must always behave well. They must not be hot-blooded or quarrel with anyone.

9.     They must not be self-centered because they have made progress. They will not improve the skill and their natural virtue, but will do harm to others if they are self-centered.

    1. More than strength is needed in karate. The purpose of karate is not only to train the body and the mind, but also to make efforts to achieve a good personality by practicing faithfully and to be a good member of society.xi

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