Tuesday, July 4, 2023

A Collection of advice from Karate Seniors. Fifth of a series of posts.


Kiyan Chotoku, "What to Know About Fighting"

An Elderly Kiyan with His Students, Including Nakazato Joen (far left)


1.     I cannot emphasize the importance of first trying evaluating the opponent's strengths and weaknesses in order to establish your strategy. If attacked by a more powerful opponent one should shift their attention to defensive strategy. This way the attacker is compelled to use more strength. This is the opportunity to seek out the "suki" (unguarded moment) and exploit it. This is how to best use the opponent's force.

2.     Less powerful opponents can also make worthy defensive fighters as they're evasive and use many techniques. One must be careful not to attack thoughtlessly against such fighters but make good use of your hand and footwork. Letting an opponent inside is one way of setting up an immediate counter attack. However, remember that taking or giving the initiative means you that must always be prepared for the unexpected.

3.     Never quickly or forcefully attack an opponent thoughtlessly. Agile fighters can often perceive the intentions of hand and foot movement and counter-attack quickly.

4.     You should be careful to never telegraph your intentions of let your opponent read your body language. Irrespective of the opponent's strength or power, try never to move backwards more than three steps.

5.     During a fight you must pay close attention to defending the centerline and not be caught off balance by starring at an opponent's feet or eyes. You must be especially careful not to get hit in the vital organs, grabbed or have the testicles seized when attacked. Also, it's not always wise to use too much force in defensive technique as movement tends to become slower, which also reduces the possibility for quick reaction or taking advantage of an opportunity.

6.     If you seize an opponent's wrist, garment or arm be certain to maintain a pliable strength all the time being prepared to exploit his reaction. This way you can maintain control of the opponent's movement.

7.     Naturally, quick hands are a necessary requisite for effectively attacking one's opponent. However, if you miss the intended target in the midst of an attack there's no need to fall back and try again. After achieving such close proximity to your opponent just continue freely attacking different target zones with your hands and feet. Even without using full power you can still gradually wear down an opponent this way.

8.     It is not necessary to use your hands in defense of an opponent's kicks. They can be trapped, thwarted, or even swept away by your own leg while simultaneously countering with your hands. In case the opponent falling or being knocked down, be careful not to rush in carelessly and be caught off guard.

9.     Even if the opponent seizes your foot or leg, you can take advantage of it by quickly stepping down and into him, reducing the risk of injury. However, be very careful of this situation if the ground conditions are bad as you could fall down yourself.

10. Be careful not to be caught off guard by an opponent's clever deception. For example, don't be fooled by someone pretending to grab with their hand only with the intention of actually kicking with their foot. Conversely, the opposite can also be used; The kick can be used to cause a response for the purpose of being exploited by the fist. Listen and react to voice and sound, and, never be caught off guard.

11. If confronted by several opponents at once be careful not to grapple with them. You must keep your distance in order to maintain the advantage. If someone attacks from the right, shift to the left. If you have to defend yourself from the front be careful not to overlook the opponent behind you. This is the only good way to deal with multiple opponents.

These are essential issues at the forefront of fighting, however, please remember they're just one example. In other words, the differences in martial arts are truly endless and mysterious. Therefore, don't solely rely on written materials. The best way master the art is to train diligently and enthusiastically. Perhaps after lengthy study, you may achieve enlightenment.iv



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