Monday, July 24, 2023

A True Story


Mark Radunz‎ 


Okay. Here's an old story of a Harrill seminar Sheila and I attended in Texas hosted by Clay Robbins.


It was at this same seminar, Sheila and I had trained together for most of the day. I had to go to the bathroom, so I dismissed myself and took care of my business. When I came out, I stopped as Sheila had some big Texan working with her, so I just stopped and watched. Sensei had them doing some sort of a grab technique, but I can’t remember what it was. All I know is I heard this guy say to her “Little lady, I’m not just going to let you do this” as he grabbed her.


With that, she looked up at him, cocked her head, kicked his shin just above the ankle, he came down and she upper cutted his throat. Thought I was gonna die. I walked up and said, “I’ll take over now. I don’t want her to hurt you.”


True story.


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