Saturday, July 22, 2023

Older Kyan Seisan method




Shimabuku Shinsho (Ciso) said, my father walked to train with Kyan Chotoku to Kadena (Yomitan). After training, he was tired and Kyan Chotoku told Tatsuo to just dip himself in the Hija river on his way home and perform Sanchin (Seisan).



Nakazato Joen and Tatsuo both taught Seisan kata with tension. Shorinji-ryu (Nakazato Joen) teach and use Seisan as a tanner (鍛錬) kata to check shime . Since we use the Goju-ryu Sanchin kata for shime, we as a rule do not use Seisan kata for shime.


But both Nakazato Joen and Shimabuku Tatsuo taught seisan using sanchin type techniques. I also asked Nakazato Joen if Kyan Tatsught him to breath using the controlled breathing (ibuki breathing). Nakazato said Kyan Chotoku taught fukushiki kokyū (腹式呼吸) abdominal breathing. We in Isshin-ryu karate, as taught by Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei also used a harder abdominal breathing in Seisan, Seiunchin and Sanchin kata.


According to Andy Sloane, ED Johnson and also Harold Mitchum said they did not learn to perform Isshin-ryu Seiunchin kata with tension. This is probly true as Ed Johnsonn was only on Okinawa about 13 months and Harold Mitchum was training with Kinjo Chinsaku most of his time who taught the Shorin-ryu kata without shime. We all did not learn the same.


For sure, Shorinji-ryu and Isshin-ryu have more in common then Seibukan karate. Our Seisan kata are very similar.


Arcenio Advincula


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