Monday, July 17, 2023

Past discussion on Isshinryu Stances


Bill Pogue everything is off of the 'seisan' stance.: heel/toe shoulder width, knees bent over the toes (the exact width is the length of your own foreleg).. sanchin: toes in, nai hanchi: heels out, seiunchin: toes out, knees bent over toes (lower than most people do it), cat stance at 45 angle so you can close your legs up and guard the groin, cross stance: knees locked front foot at 45 angle back foot up on ball of foot . although some say 't' stance, i don't see any use for it- the cat is much more useful for a variety of reasons. the seiunchin is often high- good for some things i guess, but i stress pushing the hips way down in the stance to develop hip flexibility and strength. i also teach kiba dachi for training the side kick, which many IR stlyists suck at.


Andy Sloane T-stance is a Shuri-te stance with the rear foot perpendicular. The front foot heel is still raised. This is the stance that Tatsuo actually taught. He allowed the cat stance, which is slightly different.


Bill Pogue the side kick must turn the heel into the kick or its worthless. the kiba will do that for you. holding the side kick in position will make worlds of difference. if you cant break 4" of wood with the side snap kick, you don't have it.


Bill Pogue i see TS doing the t stance. i just don't like it. I've done IR longer than TS, even though he's the founder. I've trained more people and had more fights. i study his tapes intensely, listen to AJA and other masters, and make my own mind up. cat it is for me and my students. t is not wrong


Bill Pogue tokumura correted my cat by lowering the heel on front foot- i get that


Bill Pogue I've listened to johnson, harrill, mithcum, advincula, cooling, armstrong, long. all different. so i do whatever works for me. and that how IR is supposed to be done, in my opinion.

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