Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Ananku Kata Mystery (Chotoku Kyan)


 by Angel Lemus



I have been doing this Kata for decades being a Kyan stylist but it has been an enigma for me, because the kata as it was passed down by both Shimabukuro and Nakazato (two of Kyan’s top students) never made sense to me according to its history, which says that Kyan learned it while he traveled to Taiwan and brought it back to Okinawa. But if this is true of the version that has been passed down by both popular lineages, then to me is is a non-kata, it is like plagiarism, a bunch of movements found in other established kata. It is basically a combination of moves from Seisan, Passai, and Naihanchi, that is it. So there is nothing really in it that I would envision someone like Kyan boasting that he brought it from Taiwan?

But around 1981/82 I saw this advertisement in Black Belt magazine (for those of you still in diapers it is papers with ink, stapled together that you read), there was this advertisement from some guy in Japan selling a series of VHS tapes on kata, this was back in the day when Panther Publishing started to sell the Angi Uezu Isshinryu tapes.

These tapes cost a fortune shipped from Japan and I think the Japanese Karateka in these tapes was a Shito Ryu stylist because he did Goju and Shorin katas, and in one of these tapes he had Ananku kata and it was not the short “simple” Ananku Kata I knew from the Seibukan lineage.

I have been looking for this video tape a a long time because I have been thinking about Ananku and this particular version on this tape. This version is longer and has more movements and I have always thought that perhaps this may be closer to the version that Kyan originally learned and brought to Okinawa and somehow it got diluted into the "simple" version we see today.

Do any of you know this version? or ever seen it before? How about the guy doing the kata anyone purchase these tapes back in the day? Was I the only one?

Here is the Seibukan version


Here is he Nakazato version


The Bushi No Te Issinryu version

taught to me by Carl Long


PS- I know there is a Matsubayashi version of Ananku but to me that is a mystery as to why it is even called Ananku.

PS- I know there is a Matsubayashi version of Ananku but to me that is a mystery as to why it is even called Ananku.


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