Friday, August 18, 2023

ATEMI WAZA (Punching Techniques)

Unlike control and projection techniques, goal techniques are not allowed in competition, due to the high percentage of injuries. Styp-hitting techniques are usually practiced on katas.

While Kodokan judo projection techniques are based on those of the Kito school, punching techniques, as well as gripping techniques, come from the Tenshin Shin'yo school.

The atemi waza is composed of the self-defense techniques with which we attack the vital points of the adversary with the idea of producing pain, loss of knowledge and even death. They are used only as the last solution, when we are in danger of being injured, captured or massacred. The most common techniques are eye kicks, chest or solar plexus, and kicks to the groin area.

The vast majority of atemi waza run with the various parts of the arms and legs, although sometimes the head is also used. These techniques are classified as follows:

Contenido de subpáginas: 

1. Uchi waza (Ataques indirectos)

2. Tsuki Waza (Ataques directos)

3. Keri Waza o Geri Waza (Técnicas de patada)

Atemi waza Kime no kata

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